What obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is and five ways to deal with it

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Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a debilitating condition and can have a seriously detrimental effect on a person's life. The irrational obsessive thoughts that people with OCD typically experience can cause compulsive, repetitive behaviours which are an attempt to ease the anxiety caused by the person's obsessions. Without support, a person's obsessive thoughts can cause increasing levels of disruption to their day-to-day life, as they spend more and more time trapped in them. These thoughts are not a reflection of the person, but obsessive interruptions that can become difficult to shake.

The advice below gives you an opportunity to pause and think about the ways in which you can manage your OCD and how to get access to the support you need at this time.

Five ways to deal with your OCD

Anna Sagredou, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Manager for Obsessional Disorders at Priory Hospital North London, has put together her five top tips for dealing with OCD.

1. If you suffer from unwanted intrusive thoughts, help is out there

Speak to a professional who can offer guidance regarding your difficulties, and find out what will be the best treatment for you. Treatment for OCD can be very effective - treatment isn't about eliminating anxiety, but learning to tolerate it, while still being able to engage with your day-to-day life.

2. Remember that you're not alone

OCD is a common anxiety disorder. In fact, a large part of the population may have had some OCD traits at some point in their lives. Don't let it prevent you from talking to people and getting the help you need. There are online forums and support groups that take place regularly.

3. Read about OCD

There's a lot of information available online regarding OCD, including testimonies from people with OCD and how they've dealt with it. This can help you to put your difficulties into perspective, offer context, and give you more understanding on what may be helpful for you.

4. Accept that OCD can be a problem and may be interfering in your life

The first step of any change is coming to terms with what's required and why a change is needed. When you're suffering with OCD, you may employ a number of behaviours or rituals called safety behaviours. These behaviours may be helpful in the short-term as they can help you to avoid experiencing uncomfortable feelings, but in the long-term, they may be perpetuating your difficulties. Accepting that OCD is becoming an interfering problem in your life can help with your motivation to change and seek help.

5. Understand the treatment of OCD

Read extensively about what you can and need to do to reduce your OCD. There's plenty of literature out there regarding theĀ treatment of OCD and a number of knowledgeable therapists and consultants who can guide you, step by step, towards overcoming your difficulties.

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