Brendan’s story

Discover Brendan's story at Riddrie House after experiencing difficulties with schizophrenia.

Brendan stepped down to Riddrie House from a hospital setting, after experiencing difficulties with his schizophrenia, which resulted in him taking drugs.

After developing his skills at the home, he has since moved on to more independent living.

Support at Riddrie House

When Brendan first arrived at Riddrie House, he was assigned a core staff team, and person-centred care plans were put in place, which were tailored to his individual needs. The support he received included incorporating new tasks into his daily routine, which would help him develop his independence in his new home.

The team at Riddrie House worked with him to develop a list of his goals, which included learning to cook, shop, and use public transport independently. At first, he lacked confidence with his activities of daily living, which he had limited access to during his hospital stay. With support, Brendan quickly gained confidence with these tasks, which had previously caused him anxiety.

Achieving positive outcomes

At Riddrie House, Brendan has worked towards his goals, achieving numerous significant milestones. He is now able to independently visit family, shop for and prepare meals, and manage his medication. With a steady medication regime in place, Brendan no longer experiences symptoms such as hallucinations.

With his mental wellbeing and independence greatly enhanced, Brendan is now able to engage in a rich and varied calendar of activities, which include visiting local cafes, participating in cooking sessions, and joining community-based social groups.

After three years of developing his skills at Riddrie House, Brendan was ready to move onto a new environment with less support. He is now living in more independent accommodation, where he continues to thrive.

The staff are there to help if you want or need it.

It is what you make of it. You can get as much back as you put in, you just have to try.

Brendan Riddrie House


Brendan's story

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