Understanding diabulimia - signs, symptoms and next steps
If you're worried about diabulimia, we have outlined the signs and symptoms, the possible causes as well as the support and treatment that's available here at Priory.
If you're worried about diabulimia, we have outlined the signs and symptoms, the possible causes as well as the support and treatment that's available here at Priory.
Diabulimia is a term that's been developed by the media to describe a specific type of eating disorder that can happen to people with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes. It involves the person deliberately restricting the amount of insulin they take in order to lose weight.
For diabetics, eating disorders are more dangerous, and sadly also more common. The combination of an eating disorder with diabetes increases diabetic complications and can even result in death. The body can become damaged by insulin restriction, and eating disorder behaviours like bingeing and purging can also disturb glycaemic control.
If you're concerned that someone close to you has diabulimia, we understand how stressful this can be. This blog has been put together to help you get a better understanding of the condition and what can be done to help the person who is struggling.
We have looked at the common causes of diabulimia, the warning signs and symptoms, and the next steps that should be taken in terms of support and treatment.
The causes of eating disorders are dependent on a number of factors. Unfortunately with diabulimia, insulin restriction can become another way to lose weight in someone who's vulnerable to developing an eating disorder.
Some of the biological, psychological and social risk factors that can combine to cause someone to start struggling with an eating disorder include:
These risk factors combine in certain people and can lead them to develop an eating disorder.
Diabulimia is highly dangerous and can be fatal. As people with type 1 diabetes need insulin to live, reducing or stopping their insulin doses can cause very serious complications, including:
For someone with type 1 diabetes, a lack of insulin can also lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which can cause comas and death.
If you're worried that someone you're close to may be restricting or stopping their insulin intake in order to lose weight, it's important to look out for the following warning signs of diabulimia.
Firstly, it's important to look out for signs of hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar), as taking too little insulin can cause this.
Short-term signs of hyperglycaemia
Long-term signs of hyperglycaemia
If someone is displaying the signs of hyperglycaemia, it should be taken very seriously and treated as quickly as possible, as it can have life-threatening consequences.
Alongside hyperglycaemia, further signs and symptoms of diabulimia to be aware of include:
A person with diabulimia is also likely to display warning signs that are common to all eating disorders:
We understand that you may not spot all these signs. When someone is dealing with diabulimia, there may be only a few clues. Also, people struggling with an eating disorder often feel ashamed of their behaviours so may try to keep what they're going through a secret.
If you're worried about someone and think they may be suffering with diabulimia, it's so important to reach out and talk to them.
We understand that the idea of having this conversation may be causing you to worry, but it’s a discussion that needs to happen because of the dangers to their health. Eating disorders are serious conditions that can worsen without the right intervention and support.
Our blog on how to support someone with an eating disorder contains plenty of advice and information to help you prepare for this discussion.
Professional support from a skilled multidisciplinary team is essential when someone is suffering from diabulimia. The treatment they receive should be collaborative and include nutritional and medical help, as well as a psychiatric assessment and evidence-based psychological treatment from an eating disorder specialist.
At Priory, our psychological treatment can be provided on an inpatient, day care and outpatient basis. Our inpatient treatment is best suited to people who need support in getting mentally and physically stable, while our day care and outpatient treatment