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Alex Ingram

Clinical dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) lead


Alex specialises in the development of emotional literacy. He works extensively with people to help them stabilise their emotional lives following trauma. His heart lies in exploring the nature of awareness, embodied emotion, and interpersonal relating, using mindfulness. Both him, and the dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) team, are devoted to supporting suffering individuals on their path toward remission and recovery from pervasive emotional instability, following overwhelming life events.

Position at Priory

Alex is the clinical DBT lead at Priory Hospital North London. His employment began in 2020. He is fully accredited with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and a member for the society of DBT (MsfDBT). His main duties and responsibilities include overseeing and managing the outpatient DBT programme within the general psychiatry therapy department. He is also the lead DBT group facilitator, and the overall programme co-ordinator. He also has a one-to-one caseload, which includes both short and long term work.


  • He holds a Masters (MA) in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy from the University of Roehampton
  • Post-graduation he undertook specialist and intensive training in DBT, hosted by British Isles DBT (biDBT) who offer the industry leading DBT training in the UK
  • He also holds a 1st with Distinction in a Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) course in Counselling and Psychotherapy from the University of Birkbeck

Research interests

As part of his clinical training, Alex obtained a grade Distinction (1st) in his quantitative research thesis, entitled - ‘Predicting Hostile Sexism in Heterosexual Adult Men Using Multiple-Regression Statistical Modelling’.


  • CertHE in Counselling and Psychotherapy skills
  • Fully accredited member of the BACP
  • Intensively trained in all 5 functions and modes of DBT with biDBT
  • Masters in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy (MA)
  • MsfDBT