Rashmi Maru



Rashmi is a Psychotherapist with over 30 years’ experience in mental health, working in a variety of settings including the NHS, Local Authority, voluntary and private sector. Rashmi brings to her practice diverse knowledge of working therapeutically with adults and young people presenting with a wide range of psychological, emotional and mental health difficulties. This experience extends to work with parents and families.


Rashmi’s career in mental health began with Psychiatric Nurse training, progressing to work in the community, leading to interest in psychotherapy.

Rashmi’s training took place at UCL (University College London) and Nafsiyat the Inter-cultural Psychotherapy Centre in North London. The course rooted in psychoanalytical thinking and practice included cultural psychiatry, medical anthropology and issues of religion, culture, and race pertinent to psychotherapy.


  • Msc in Intercultural Psychotherapy with UKCP accreditation
  • Registered Mental Health Nurse

I was attracted to this course as it included this element of difference and recognised that we as therapists have to be aware of our own differences in relation to our clients’, particularly in a growing diverse community.

I feel my training has given me a particular sensitivity to the way distress is expressed behaviourally and verbally, through mental or somatic illness across cultures, which has been invaluable in this work