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Simi Warah

Integrative art psychotherapist/therapy team lead


Simi is a HCPC accredited integrative arts psychotherapist, who has a Master’s Degree from the Institute for Arts in Therapy & Education (University of East London). Simi works with various models in order to tailor therapy to the individual’s specific needs, and uses attachment theory as the starting point of building a therapeutic relationship with patients. She can utilise a wide range of creative approaches within sessions, including verbal, imagination, and use of metaphor, if patients choose not to engage with art materials.

Simi has worked extensively with addiction, eating disorders and complex trauma; including with survivors of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence. Simi has spent 20 years working in management positions in various health and social care settings, including NHS psychiatric hospitals, prisons, community substance misuse services, and other voluntary sector agencies.

Position at Priory

Simi has been employed as an integrative arts psychotherapist at Priory Hospital Woking since August 2021 and in addition to her therapy work, she is also the team lead for the general psychiatric therapy team, ensuring the day-to-day operation of the inpatient and day care group work programmes, and providing line management to over 20 other therapists. Simi is also one of the designated safeguarding leads at Woking.


  • Compassionate Focussed Therapy (currently studying) – Compassionate Mind Foundation
  • Diploma in Leadership and Management – Institute of Leadership and Management
  • MA Integrative Arts Psychotherapy - Institute for Arts in Therapy & Education (part of University of East London
  • Management of Substance Misuse – Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Trauma Practitioner Training – The Survivors Trust
  • Working with Eating Disorders – Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
  • Working with Personality Disorders – Sussex NHS Partnership Trust