Making a referral

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Make a referral

While we would prefer to receive a GP referral when a patient enters our services, this isn’t always essential. However, we do ask that all patients provide their GP’s contact details upon entry to treatment so that we can:

  • Contact you in the event that the patient requires medication, or is a risk to themselves and/or others
  • Keep you informed of the patient’s treatment and progress, with the patient’s consent

For more information on our patient pathway into treatment, click here.When a referral is being made, we offer a simple, efficient process, with a number of secure referral methods available.Referrals are handled by a 24/7 support centre, who help co-ordinate the referral from receipt to find the most appropriate location for your patient.

How to make a referral

There are a number of ways in which referrals can be made to Priory, all providing a speedy and secure process. For all referral methods, please provide as much information as possible on the patient’s circumstances and relevant medical history, to help us identify the best treatment path.

Patient confidentiality is maintained throughout the referral process, and Priory manages all patient data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).

  1. Online form - to refer a patient to Priory via our secure online referral form
  2. Integration into EMIS Web and SystmOne

Priory can assist with a streamlined referral process, automatically integrating with GP practice systems.

Our automated referral form can pre-populate all essential information from a GP’s clinical system at the click of a button, replacing any current manual process that may be followed. Priory’s referral forms can be integrated into both EMIS Web and SystmOne and we also provide a step-by-step list of instructions on how to set it up.

The benefits of the automated Priory referral process are:

  • Integration of patient data enhances efficiency and ensures essential data is extracted, reducing the likelihood of surgeries being contacted for additional information
  • Referrals are directed to a 24/7 support centre
  • Seamless referral management with minimised delay in further investigation and onward management, providing an improved experience for both GP and patient
  • Forms can be sent to a secure email address via the clinical system

Contact details

  1. Email - referrals can be emailed securely from emails accounts to [email protected]
  2. Fax - should you wish to fax information, you can either fax your own documentation or use our downloadable form. Please fax the documents to 0844 770 6206.

On receipt of the referral, the 24/7 support team will co-ordinate with the most appropriate Priory location.

Please ensure that you include the patient’s contact details on the referral, and they will be contacted within 24 hours with details on next steps.

If you have any queries about Priory services, or would like further information or support on setting up this process, please email [email protected]

Referral process overview

  • Refer the patient to Priory using your preferred referral process – please include the patient’s contact details, along with information on their circumstances and relevant medical history
  • A unique reference number is generated for each enquiry
  • Our 24/7 support team will co-ordinate the referral with the most appropriate Priory location, who will contact the patient directly and check appointment availability with the most appropriate Priory specialist for that patient
  • Once the appointment has been accepted by the patient, they will be sent any relevant documentation to be completed prior to appointment

Ongoing communication

We know how important it is to keep you informed of the treatment plan and subsequent progress achieved by your patient. We ensure GPs and healthcare professionals are kept informed about the progress of a patient's referral and provide clear feedback throughout the process.

You will be kept informed via:

  • Assessment / admission reports which include PHQ9 or GAD7
  • Clinical updates during your patient’s treatment
  • A patient discharge report

All of this information will be provided subject to patient consent.

Managing the process

Our dedicated GP enquiries team is on hand to advise you on any specific patient, treatment or referral enquiry, ensuring a smooth and simple process for you and your patient.

Contact us for help, referrals or more information

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Make a referral