Christopher's story

Find out how Priory Alphonsus House has supported Christopher to develop his confidence in accessing the community again.

Christopher had a difficult childhood, and often struggled with the symptoms of his schizophrenia. He also previously suffered life-changing injuries as a result of an assault, which left him with physical disabilities.

Read about the positive outcomes Christopher has achieved since living at Priory Alphonsus House.

Support at Alphonsus House

Given his difficult life experiences, Christopher’s social care team knew he would benefit from a residential setting, where he could be supported to develop his confidence and independence. Christopher underwent assessment for a placement at Alphonsus House, and moved in shortly after.

The support team at the service developed person-centred care plans, tailored around Christopher’s individual needs. At first, Christopher was notably withdrawn and confused. He needed a lot of support with maintaining his mental health. In addition, he wanted to develop his social skills and confidence, to be able to begin accessing the community safely.

Christopher’s positive outcomes

In Christopher’s time living at Alphonsus House, his support team have noticed a significant change in him. He is now far more confident in his abilities, which has enabled him to feel more in control of his life. As well as supporting Christopher with activities of daily living within the home, they also encouraged him to begin taking up new opportunities out in the community.

Once requiring the company of a key worker whilst out and about, Christopher is now able to manage trips out of the house without support. He is able to utilise public transport independently to go to the shops or visit his family.

In addition, this improved access to the local community has enabled Christopher to grow a healthy social life. Every week, he attends various social clubs at local venues, where he meets and spends time with friends. His support team are so proud of his achievements, and look forward to supporting him to continue developing his independence.


Christopher's story

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