Live your life: supported living stories

Inspirational stories from incredible people who have achieved positive outcomes with support from Priory.

Each year, Priory supports people across the UK in their mission to overcome their challenges with a range of conditions through our support living services. Here are just a few of those inspirational stories, in the words of those who experienced it.

Chris's story - Millburn to Supported Living Scotland

Chris is a young man with a learning disability, who had experienced a difficult life before coming to Millburn. He has now moved on to live in his own flat in the community, and has achieved great success in gaining his first job.

Anthony’s step-down story - Riverbank to Supported Living Hull

Anthony came to Priory as a resident at Riverbank, one of Priory’s residential services in Hull. He has since progressed in his pathway and is now a tenant at Suttonv House, a Priory Supported Living Hull & East Riding service.

Rachael's story - Supported Living Kent

Rachael lives at one of our Priory Supported Living Kent services, where she has her own flat and tenancy with a housing provider. When Rachael’s needs changed, her care team worked to find solutions to enhance her quality of life.

Neil's pathway story - Riverbank to Priory Supported Living Hull

Neil came to Riverbank from a secure forensic service. After developing greater independence, and has since moved on to his own flat in supported living.

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