About this location
Priory Beverley House, located in Edgbaston, Birmingham, is a high dependency rehabilitation unit for females with complex mental health needs, including emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Some may also have a mild learning disability, alcohol and drug use, or a personality disorder.
Services at a glance
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Our comprehensive rehabilitation services provide support for people with complex mental health needs. We align our services with the recommendations of the Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCPMH), ensuring our patients are given the highest quality care to enable an appropriate transition back home or into community services, wherever possible.
Ward break down
- 24-bedded ward for adult females
Conditions treated
We offer community-focused and high dependency rehabilitation, and can support people with the following challenges:
- A personality disorder
- Complex mental health conditions, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
- Complex and enduring mental health needs, including treatment-resistant conditions, dual-diagnoses or a mild learning disability
- Behaviours that challenge, including substance misuse, an eating disorder or self-harming
We can also support people who may be difficult to engage/motivate and who have a history of disengagement with services.
Our team
- Full time consultant psychiatrist
- Specialty doctor
- Psychologist
- Occupational therapist (OT)
- Nursing team
Therapeutic and community-based activities
We offer a range of therapeutic and community-based activities as part of a full treatment programme. We want to support people to become more confident and independent, preparing them to move through their treatment pathway towards community living.
Our therapeutic and community-based activities include:
- Cooking skills
- Smoking cessation support
- Support with transition to the community
- Risk management
- Support with social inclusion
- A real work opportunity (RWO) programme, modelling community employment by using job applications and interviews, for residents to obtain paid roles within the hospital
- Regular community meetings
- Patient representative meetings encouraging them to participate in the development of the service
- Visits from a local animal handler
- Regular visits to the local zoo
- Trips to the cinema
- Trips to a bowling alley
Our facilities and environment
We provide:
Our bedrooms
We provide:
Exclusion profile
- People under the age of 18
- People with a history of arson
- People who have demonstrated recent repeated or serious violence and aggression
Priory’s network of high quality facilities enables us to offer joined-up care pathways with our dedicated residential services. We offer programmes which integrate healthcare treatment and therapy, which are tailored according to individual needs, in an appropriate setting. Our strength is that we can provide a seamless transition for the individual as they progress between higher and lower dependency services.
At Priory Hospital Beverley House, we have close connections with Priory Adult Care services, so that we can facilitate treatment pathways as needed.
A message from our site leader

Beverley House has a team of dedicated, qualified and experienced multidisciplinary professionals who work together well in providing the best care for our service users. All our care is patient-centred. We are constantly reviewing and updating our care provision to ensure that our patients get the best care
Beverley House site leader
Comments from our patients and their family and friends
Beverley House has saved me from myself again. They gave me hope when there wasn’t any and never gave up on me
Information for family and friends
How do home visits work?
Home visits are allocated following discussions with the MDT in ward review meetings or by sending out MDT request forms, which are reviewed daily in the morning handover meeting. People staying with us can be supported by staff to travel home if required. A ward van or public transport is used, depending on the preference of the person staying with us. Risk and care needs are also considered. People can independently make their way home where this is deemed safe. Family and friends can also support home leave as and when required and agreed with the MDT.
What is your visitation policy?
We are open for visitors every day of the week. Visitors will need to register on the approved visitors’ list prior to having unsupervised visits, to ensure the safety of those staying with us. They will be required to provide a copy of photographic ID to complete this process. All visits can be booked by contacting the unit on 0121 4203701 or by patients putting in MDT request forms. Where patients are granted community leave with visitors, they can take them out into the community.
Will I be involved and kept up to date with my loved one’s care and wellbeing?
Information sharing is governed by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The consent of the people staying with us will be sought before information is shared with others. Where consent is given, families and friends may be invited to all professional meetings, including ward reviews.
Will my loved one be able to have a phone or call me?
People staying with us can keep their personal mobile phones with them at all times, unless risk has been identified. They also have access to the ward phone, including the ward mobile phone, which they can use to make calls and video calls to friends and family.
What type of things are families expected to provide, and what is provided by the home?
The unit will provide all basic commodities, including cooked meals. Families are free to provide any additional items to meet their loved one’s preferences.
What are the bedrooms like?
Most of our bedrooms have en-suite toilet and shower facilities to enable people to have privacy and dignity in their own living space. Communal bathrooms are available for those who prefer baths and these can be accessed any time by asking a member of staff.
Are external doors kept locked?
External doors are kept locked for security reasons and a member of staff can open them whenever anyone wants to go out, as long as they have leave to do so.
What do service users eat and how do meal times work?
People staying with us are provided with four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper). The food is freshly prepared in the main kitchen on-site. They will also have access to the activity kitchen to prepare their own meals, should they wish to do so.
How does laundry work?
We have our own laundry facilities and people can access these during allocated time slots per week. Everyone has a minimum of two laundry slots per week. Emergency laundry slots are also available, as and when required, during the week.
Is there anything they can’t bring or have?
The unit has some banned and restricted items, which will be explained to people on admission. This refers to items that are considered a risk to their safety and wellbeing. They differ from their property and need to be managed in line with their individual risk profile. Banned and restricted item lists are available to be shared with people staying with us and their visitors at all times. Restricted items may be available to some according to their individual risk assessments and not to others.
Are pets allowed?
No pets are allowed. We do have regular visits from a local animal handler who brings a variety of pets. We also organise regular trips to a local zoo.
How do activities work?
People staying with us are allocated an agreed therapeutic timetable, following initial assessments with the MDT. These sessions will include therapy sessions and recreational sessions. There will be regular communal activities offered on the ward and most will have opportunities to engage in community-based activities, for example, bowling or the cinema.
Do service users and families have an input into the service user’s care plans?
Yes; our care plans are reviewed every 16 weeks and everyone staying with us is given a chance to review their care needs. Family and friends are welcome to contribute to care plans, where consent is given.
What are the car parking facilities?
We have limited parking on-site but visitors are free to park on public roads around the hospital.
What is the smoking policy? Can service users buy cigarettes?
Beverley House is a smoke-free site, in line with our smoke-free policy, which prohibits smoking in Priory Healthcare premises. This includes buildings, grounds and company vehicles. People staying with us can purchase cigarettes and keep them on-site, as long as they are not consumed within the hospital premises. Patients can use their unescorted local community leave to smoke. We also offer smoking cessation support, if this is required.
How is treatment accessed and funded?
We don’t take referrals directly from individuals and families. Instead, the first step will be for you to reach out to the person’s GP so that they can be referred and funded through the correct NHS channel. Depending on the type of support needed, this could include local authority funding, NHS funding, joint funding between the local authority and NHS, or direct payments. Please note, referrals for NHS or local authority funded services must come from a referring organisation.
How to make a referral
Our customer service centre provides 24/7 support for NHS mental health enquiries and referrals. Our customer referral co-ordinators can support you from your first call right through to the enquiry conclusion, providing updates throughout the process. We offer 24/7 crisis referrals, fast access to bed availability and placements, and a single access point for end-to-end enquiry management.