About this location
Yew Tree Lodge is a residential home located in Reading, Berkshire. We offer 24-hour support and rehabilitation to 16 male and female adults, with severe and enduring mental health needs. We can provide respite services for the local area, assist people to step down to us from hospital, and provide the specialist care needed to avoid further hospital admissions.
Our team is dedicated to supporting the people we care for to regain control of their lives, encouraging them to do as much as they can for themselves.
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About our service
Our facilities and environment
Yew Tree Lodge is a large, detached three-storey building set in its own grounds, with large gardens. Each floor has its own communal kitchen area and all bedrooms are equipped with en-suite bathrooms.
In summary, we offer:
- Lounge
- Communal kitchens, shared between a maximum of 3 people
- Activities room
- Conservatory
We also have a garden, complete with:
- Secure fencing
- Lawn
- Patio
- Seating area
- Shelter
- Vegetable patch
Our bedrooms
All of our bedrooms are comfortable, welcoming and can be personalised to individual tastes. Our bedrooms have en-suite facilities, containing either a shower, a bath or a wet room.
Our approach to support
Everyone who lives at Yew Tree Lodge has their own person-centred care plan, which is co-produced with input from the individual, their family members and professionals involved in their care. We aim to help everyone in our care to make their own choices about the support they receive. This may include support in a number of areas, such as developing life skills, building social confidence, budgeting, accessing employment, engaging with community activities of their choice, staying safe and well, and preparing for independence.
We take a strengths-based approach, placing people at the centre of their care plan and co-producing support and risk management plans with them, to reflect short, medium and long-term manageable goals. We use tools such as the Outcomes Starâ„¢, Recovery Model and Recovery Star to support our residents to achieve their goals.
The lengths of the placements that we offer at Yew Tree Lodge can be short-term/respite, medium or long-term residential, depending on the needs of each person.
Everyone who lives at Yew Tree Lodge has their own personalised activities planner and are encouraged to take part in activities which are meaningful and fulfilling to them. Our dedicated team organise a variety of activities at the home, as well as out in the community.
We focus on supporting our residents to grow their independence. For some people, this may mean developing their daily living skills within the home. For others, this could be accessing work or educational opportunities in the local community.
Exclusion profile
- People who pose a risk to others in communal living areas
- People who need wheelchair access or have high levels of mobility support needs
Through our network of healthcare, residential and supported living facilities, we provide unique care pathways which help the people we support to progress towards greater independence. Every individual we support is provided with a bespoke pathway plan, tailored according to their individual needs. We aim to ensure that each person is supported to live a fulfilling and active life in the community.
We work closely with nearby Prospect Park Hospital and Priory Hospital Nelson House, as well as other inpatient settings, to enable people moving to transition back into community living.
Our team
Our highly experienced team consists of:
- Service manager
- Deputy manager
- Support worker
- Mental health recovery support workers
- Catering team
Our team receives specialist staff training, designed to meet the needs of each individual we support. This includes mental health recovery training, and mental health specialist training in areas such as:
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- Personality disorders, including emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD)
- Self-harm and suicide
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
A message from our site leader

We are proud of our home and are passionate about supporting people to achieve their recovery goals. We want people to leave Yew Tree Lodge feeling confident about their future and enabled to live a healthy, independent life
Yew Tree Lodge’s site leader
Comments from our residents and their family and friends
I am happy that I am at Yew Tree Lodge. I feel safe here and staff have supported me to achieve many goals so far
Roy's story
Family and friends FAQs
How does home leave work?
Home leave is generally agreed in collaboration with the resident and their care team. This can be arranged with or without support from staff.
Can friends and families visit?
The home is open for family and friends to visit, but we would ask that this is arranged in advance.
Will I be involved and kept up to date with the progress of my loved one’s care and support?
Yes, we strive to keep the loved ones of our residents involved in their care, where appropriate. We can arrange regular catch-ups, either in person, via telephone or via virtual meetings.
Will my loved one be able to have a phone or call me?
Residents can call loved ones at their request or to take calls from them at any time as the home is staffed 24/7.
What are the bedrooms like?
Bedrooms are all fully furnished with en-suite bathroom and residents are supported to personalise them to suit their needs and wishes. Each resident is issued with a key so they can lock their rooms.
Are external doors kept locked?
Residents are free to come and go from Yew Tree Lodge. However, we do have a locked front door, with the office located nearby, so we can monitor activity.
What do residents eat and how do meal times work?
At Yew Tree Lodge we provide a fully catered service with a choice of menu options available. There are also communal kitchens where residents can prepare their own meals if they wish. We provide support for people around developing meal plans and shopping, and encourage them to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
How does laundry work?
There is a separate laundry within the home and staff support and encourage residents to complete laundry as required.
Who does the housekeeping and domiciliary tasks?
Residents are encouraged to clean their room and kitchen independently, but support is on hand should it be needed. Staff clean and take care of the communal areas.
Is there anything they can’t bring or have?
Residents have an inventory of their belongings, and these are not communal items. As new items are brought into the home service they are added to the inventory. We may place restrictions on some items where the risks cannot be appropriately managed, such as non-approved drugs and medications, solvent-based products, and lighters.
How do activities work?
Our residents all enjoy a varied activity programme, tailored to their own likes and wishes. This will include both in-house activities as well as visits into the community. Their key worker may use a variety of communication tools to ensure the resident can have an input into planning their activities.
Do residents and families have an input into the care plans?
We work with social workers, family members and residents to develop care plans which are in the best interests of our residents. Where appointed, families are involved in decision making if a resident lacks capacity around certain key areas of their life.
What are the car parking facilities?
We have a large car park to the rear of the property for 10 vehicles, and there are also some off-road spaces at the front of the building.
What is the smoking policy?
Yew Tree Lodge is a smoke free service, however, there is a designated smoking area outside should people wish to smoke. Alcohol is not permitted.
What are your fees and how are they funded?
Our fees can vary, and are based on an assessment of each individual's needs. Many people are eligible for financial help towards the cost of support, and this funding can be accessed by contacting your local authority. Once funding has been agreed, we will work with your local care team to put together a bespoke package of care. Please note, referrals for NHS or Local Authority funded services must come from a referring organisation.
How to make a referral
Our service provides high quality support to people with varying levels of need. Referrals can be made through the individual’s social care team or, if relevant, their local health authority. If you are a professional looking to make a referral, please call us or fill in our enquiry form.