Understanding rTMS: a revolutionary treatment for depression

Discover how repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) offers new hope for depression treatment. Learn about its effectiveness, safety and patient experiences.

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This page has been clinically reviewed by Adam O’Hagan, rTMS Co-ordinator at Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley Street in April 2024.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an innovative and evidence-based approach that’s revolutionising the treatment landscape for depression. rTMS is getting increasing attention for its non-invasive nature and effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of depression.

In this guide, we delve into how rTMS works, how effective it is, and address safety considerations.

What is rTMS?

rTMS is a non-invasive method for treating depression that’s been approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). During an rTMS session, electromagnetic coils are placed on your scalp in order to deliver magnetic pulses to your brain. rTMS specifically targets areas of the brain that are involved in mood control, which means it can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing.

We are pleased to be able to offer rTMS as an outpatient treatment option at Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley Street, which is one of the few places in the country where this cutting-edge treatment can be accessed. A single course of rTMS treatment usually lasts for 4 weeks, and in order for this to be as effective as possible, you’ll need to attend our wellbeing centre for 4 or 5 consecutive days per week. Each session lasts for between 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the specific treatment protocol that’s been prescribed for you.

“rTMS is a novel and very promising treatment for depression and is safe and effective. It's particularly useful where other treatment approaches haven't worked and has fewer adverse effects than other pharmacological or physical treatments.” 

Dr Leon Rozewicz Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley

Who is rTMS useful for?

This evidence-based approach provides a promising alternative for people who have treatment-resistant depression (TRD). These are people who’ve already received other forms of depression treatment, such as medication or talking therapy, but haven’t seen an improvement in their condition. rTMS can also be useful for people who aren’t able to take or tolerate antidepressants.

While rTMS can be useful when previous treatments haven’t worked, it can also be used as a first-line treatment for depression. In addition, you can receive rTMS alongside depression therapy and medication, in order to complement these traditional treatment approaches.

For more information on whether rTMS might be a suitable depression treatment option for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts.

How is rTMS different from traditional antidepressant medications?

rTMS differs from antidepressants in a number of ways.

  • Action - antidepressants work by altering the levels of certain chemicals (known as neurotransmitters) in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine. In contrast, rTMS works by delivering magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain, stimulating neural activity and promoting changes in the brain associated with mood regulation
  • Administration - when you’re receiving rTMS, you’ll need to attend a clinic for a series of in-person appointments, usually 4 to 5 times a week for a number of weeks. However, you can take traditional antidepressants at home, as prescribed
  • Duration - while antidepressants are usually taken daily over a longer period of time (often several weeks to months) to achieve maximum effectiveness, rTMS treatment usually involves a shorter course of sessions, spanning several weeks, with sessions taking place multiple times per week
  • Side effects - rTMS tends to have fewer side effects than antidepressants. The side effects of rTMS also tend to be milder and less disruptive. They can include things like fatigue and a mild headache, as opposed to side effects such as weight gain and reduced sex drive that people might experience when they’re taking antidepressants

For more information on rTMS at Priory, including how it works and what you can expect during a treatment session, please watch our video below.

Discover rTMS therapy at Priory Wellbeing Centre Harley Street

How effective is rTMS?

Recent studies have provided compelling evidence supporting the effectiveness of rTMS as a treatment for depression.

Study title

Summary of findings


Comparative efficacy and acceptability of neuromodulation procedures in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials


rTMS was demonstrated as being an effective treatment method for patients with TRD, while also being well-tolerated.

Read more


An update on the clinical use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression

rTMS was shown to be an effective, safe and well-tolerated method for treating depression.

rTMS also demonstrated effectiveness in treating patients with varying levels of TRD.

Read more


Is rTMS effective for anxiety symptoms in major depressive disorder? An efficacy analysis comparing left-sided high-frequency, right-sided low-frequency, and sequential bilateral rTMS protocols


rTMS was found to be effective in treating anxiety and depression symptoms associated with major depressive disorder.

Read more


Comparative efficacy and acceptability of electroconvulsive therapy versus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for major depression: A systematic review and multiple-treatments meta-analysis


rTMS is the best tolerated treatment for major depressive disorder, over and above other treatment, such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

rTMS as a treatment method for depression, appears to have the most favourable balance between efficacy and acceptability, when compared to other methods.

Read more


Also, some studies have explored the effectiveness of rTMS in specific populations, such as people with postnatal depression and bipolar depression, as well as in younger and older patients, with promising results. These findings underscore the diversity of research surrounding rTMS and its potential to offer relief for people across different demographics and clinical presentations.

Safety and side effects

rTMS has been shown to be a safe treatment option for depression, offering a welcome alternative to more invasive procedures. Unlike some medical interventions, you don’t need to be sedated or receive anaesthetic during an rTMS session, and you’ll remain fully conscious throughout. rTMS is also safe during pregnancy and provides a useful option for people who don’t want to take antidepressant medications while they’re pregnant.

While rTMS is tolerated well by most people, there are some conditions that might mean someone can’t receive rTMS, or would benefit from additional monitoring if they were to go down this route. These conditions include:

  • Epilepsy
  • Mania or schizoaffective disorders
  • Substance use disorders
  • Cochlear implants, pacemakers, or metalwork in the head following surgery

For more information on these potential exclusions, please visit our rTMS FAQs section.

In terms of rTMS side effects, these tend to be mild and brief, and many people don’t experience any side effects at all. Some of the most common side effects include a mild headache, local skin warming and mild scalp discomfort.

Importantly, you’ll be able to resume your usual activities immediately after an rTMS session, including driving and returning to work, without any impairment. These factors collectively contribute to the appeal and accessibility of rTMS as a safe and effective treatment option for depression.

What should I expect during an rTMS session?

During an rTMS session, you can expect a comfortable and non-invasive experience that lasts for between 15 to 40 minutes, depending on what’s been recommended for you. Here’s what usually happens:

Before the session

Before the session begins, you’ll be comfortably seated in a chair, and our rTMS technician will ensure that you’re in the best position for stimulation.

During the session

A small electromagnetic coil will be placed gently against your scalp in a targeted area. The technician will adjust the electromagnetic coil to make sure this is positioned as precisely as possible.

Once the coil is in place, the technician will start delivering magnetic pulses to your brain. You may hear clicking sounds and feel a tapping sensation on your scalp during the stimulation, but it shouldn’t be painful.

You won’t need to be sedated or receive any pain relief during the sessions. You’ll remain fully conscious and alert throughout the entire session, meaning you can chat to the technician, read, scroll through your phone or tablet, or watch a TV programme.

After the session

After the session is complete, you won’t need a recovery period or any downtime. You can go about your day as usual, including driving or returning to work.

Overall, rTMS sessions are designed to be comfortable and well-tolerated, offering a convenient and effective treatment option for depression. If you have any concerns or questions about the sessions, we’ll be happy to address them and ensure you feel informed and supported.

rTMS treatment at Priory

At Priory, our rTMS experts are here to provide guidance, support and personalised care every step of the way. With its non-invasive nature, minimal side effects and promising efficacy, rTMS offers hope for people seeking relief from depression symptoms. In addition, due to its convenience as an outpatient procedure and its ability to safely complement other treatment modalities, this innovative approach holds significant potential as a valuable addition to the landscape of depression care.

Contact Priory today to discuss how rTMS could make a positive difference in your journey towards mental wellness.

Our specialists in rTMS


Are there any long-term negative effects of rTMS?

Research suggests that rTMS is generally well-tolerated with minimal long-term negative effects. Most people who go through rTMS experience only mild and brief side effects, which usually subside shortly after the session. However, as with any medical intervention, there is ongoing research to better understand the long-term effects of rTMS.

As outlined above, some studies have reported potential risks associated with rTMS in people with certain physical and mental health conditions like epilepsy, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder. These risks are often mitigated through appropriate adjustments to treatment, and close monitoring by healthcare professionals.

Overall, while the long-term safety profile of rTMS continues to be studied, current evidence suggests that it’s a generally safe and well-tolerated treatment option for depression.

How long does it take for rTMS to work for depression?

Like lots of mental health treatment approaches, the timeline for experiencing the therapeutic effects of rTMS can vary from person to person. Some people may notice improvements in their depression symptoms within the first few weeks of starting treatment, while for others, it may take a few months to observe significant changes.

Additionally, factors such as the severity of your depression, your individual response to the treatment, and how well you stick to the treatment plan can all influence how quickly you feel relief from your symptoms.

It's important to remain patient and consistent with this treatment, as the cumulative effects of rTMS often become more pronounced over time. Our rTMS specialists at Priory are highly experienced and can provide personalised guidance and support throughout the treatment process.

Is rTMS a permanent solution?

Unfortunately, rTMS isn’t a permanent solution and its positive effects can begin to diminish over time. However, the positive effects can last for up to 12 months without any maintenance. This can vary from person-to-person depending on how severe their depression is. We are happy to discuss ongoing maintenance treatment with you, following your initial course of treatment.

How much does rTMS cost?

The cost of treatment can vary depending on how many sessions you require.

rTMS at Harley Street can be self-funded (meaning you pay for this yourself), or it can be accessed through private medical insurance. Please check with your insurer for eligibility.

Private medical insurance

We are a registered and approved provider for all of the UK's leading private medical insurers. All of the services we offer at Priory can be funded through private medical insurance. This includes:

  • Mental health treatment
  • Addiction treatment
  • Eating disorder treatment

All clients will have access to our highly skilled and accredited clinicians, many of whom are published experts in their fields of treatment. Whatever your requirements, we're committed to working with you to get your life back on track.

Registered and approved provider

We are a registered and approved provider for all of the UK's leading private medical insurers.

Contact us to make an enquiry or for more information

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