Jenni has worked as a Therapist at Priory Wellbeing Centre Southampton since September 2016.
- July 2017: OPLEX online child counselling course
- May 2017: Family Therapy Trust all-day conference focusing on adolescent self-harm
- Apr 2017: CCMH (The Centre for Child and Mental Health), ‘Life story’ workshop
- Jan 2017: BACP online child and adolescent counselling.
- Sept 2016: PODS (positive outcomes for dissociative survivors), ‘Child sexual abuse’, ‘hope for healing’
- Sept 2016: Priory Group Training Programme: ‘Assessing Risk’, ‘Safeguarding Adults’, Safeguarding Children’ and ‘Break Away’ training in the management of volatile and violent patients and situations
- Oct 2016: HEART (Holistic Equine Assisted Relationship Transformation), Foundation Level programme: 100 hours